Pine Street : prefabricated housing. Traverse City, Michigan, USA.

The lot is 66′ wide and 165′ deep. The front of Building 1 will be facing north. The developer provides two buildings (component conscruction) with a courtyard in between the two buildings. The front building on State Street to have 24 units on the top four stories with approximately 3,500 sq. ft. or retail space on ground level. Building 2, closer to the alley, will be five stories with at least 14 units.

Our solution has maximum efficiency: 38 residential units make up of only 24 components! Between the two buildings is a large landscaped yard of 2 736 square feet. Most apartments overlook this quiet and beautiful oasis. Computer simulations, taking into account the height above sea level and the heights of the surrounding buildings, showed that from the roofs of buildings, as well as from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors, there is a view of Lake Michigan. In this regard, terraces are designed on the roofs of both buildings and 10 apartments on 2-4 floors of building 2 also have bedrooms overlooking the lake.